А Lonely Кitten Saw А Сouple In А Field Аnd Insists Тo Going Нome With Тhem

While driving through an open field, Karianna and her companion spotted a tiny cat running and decided to halt. It was a kitten, all by itself, and in terrible shape. As soon as she spotted them, she started racing after them and insisted on being carried home even though she was filthy and extremely underweight.

The couple searched for the mother and other kittens but were unable to locate them. Realizing the kitten needed help, they made the decision to take her with them. The kitten dashed after them as quickly as her paws could carry her, and once inside the car, she curled up because she felt secure.

Karenna stated:

Arriving home, they cleaned it up and decided to name it ‘Fielda’, due to the place where it was found.

Karina remembers:

“She was loving from the beginning, never shy or afraid. We took her to the vet the next day.”

She was reportedly about 6 weeks old when she was discovered. Little Ella had mild cases of ringworm, fleas all over her body, and ear mites.

The tiny kitten started to get better and appeared content to have a home. She now had a family who cared for her and a cozy bed so she wouldn’t feel cold while the ringworm took a few weeks to go away. Leon, a gorgeous fluffy cat who is her older brother, is also a member of the family.

Fielda had to wait until she was medically recovered to meet her older brother.

Karina remembers:

“It took Leon a second to get used to her, but Fielda loved Leon from the start.”

Fielda wanted Leon to join in on her funny antics. She was waiting for her brother to join her in a game of hide-and-seek while she was quite persistent in making friends with her.

A few weeks later, Fielda had won Leon’s love and their relationship; they now worked closely together. She followed her brother wherever she went, and he was more than happy to teach her how to be a good family cat.

His mom says:

Fielda and León are still close friends a year later. They share the cat tower, fight often, and clean each other up.

Fielda is a nice girl who likes to fall asleep in her parents’ arms. She adores her family and is certain that she does not want to be alone herself.

Kariana claims:

He spends every night with us and wakes up at daybreak demanding attention. She never catches us with her claws when she plays with us because she is always very cautious.

At the age of around a year and a half, this kitten has developed into a gorgeous, powerful, active, and highly lively adult cat who is constantly hunting for mischief and attention.

His family also says:

She is so energized! She is constantly chewing on food, playing with her favorite wind-up toy, and watching birds out the window.

Karianna says she is very happy to have Fielda in her family. Finding her in that field was a great fortune for this family.

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