Yes, to the untrained eye, this may appear to be merely a typical, everyday floor tile. The fact is, though, that this specific tile is anything from typical.
It’s actually magic.
Just ask this chonk of a cat named Olivia.
The owner of Olivia’s, Melissa Pea, was preparing supper the previous year when a cooked chicken piece dropped from the counter and landed on the tile. Pea didn’t immediately reach down to pick it up since she was busy.
Olivia then entered.
Naturally, she ate the unexpected floor treat and seemed to think it had materialized from thin air from the tile.
In Olivia’s mind, if the mysterious appearance of food on the tile could happen once, it could happen again.
“Every day for a week, she would walk in and sniff the chicken spot. Every time. Several times a day,” Peña told The Dodo. “We thought it was hilarious.”
After watching this for a while, the cat’s family decided to secretly fulfill her dream of finding another tile treat. While Olivia was in a different room, they placed another morsel on the tile, in the same spot. When she came in to check that time, her suspicion was confirmed.
This really was a magic tile.
Olivia still checks that magic tile multiple times a day for good cause even though it has been a year since it first disclosed its secret. Olivia’s family periodically places some food on the tile for her when she’s not looking to maintain the charming pretense.
When she does, she is always delighted.
Olivia is unaware of the fact that her family’s affection for her is the true source of that “magic,” though.
That particular tile will continue to provide occasional yummy gifts for Olivia. Peña and her family wouldn’t have it any other way.
“We love that it makes her happy! She’s very loved and, honestly, watching her reaction is so fun! We all enjoy watching her excitement.” Peña said. “We don’t do it too often. We don’t want to lose the magic.”