Funny Сat Getting Нigh On Coke

It’s not like they often say “curiosity killed the cat” for no reason, these fearless creatures are often overcurious about things and their silly behaviors may get them into trouble literally anytime. For example, tasting humans’ food is definitely something they should never attempt to do, no matter how tempting it looks.

Here is an amusing cat who loves to try some carbonated water and then instantly regrets his decision. It all starts when he notices a glass of Coke on the table. The kitty directly dips his paw into the glass, and then licks the liquid passionately. Yes, we do know that Coca-Cola tastes good, it’s the leading brand in the beverage industry after all.

The cat seems to be really satisfied at first, but as the high amount of sugar starts to kick in, his reaction suddenly changes. He looks exactly like he just has some catnip!

Watch the hilarious incident here:

There’s no denying that this kitty is cute and all, but actually his action is kind of dangerous. If you are owning one or a few cats, please keep in mind that these felines should never drink soda, including Coke and any other soft drink. The toxic levels of sugar, artificial sweeteners and caffeine will cause trouble to your cats if they drink a certain amount of this palatable beverage. Of course a few licks are totally acceptable, but it doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep an eye on what your pets consume.

Are your cats curious about what you often eat or drink? Do they demand to try your food? How do you cope with their desire? Please share your story with us, and don’t forget to share the unforgettable moment of this humorous cat with your friends and family too!

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