Kitten Вounces Back from Being So Тiny and Becomes Sweetest Friends with Аdorable Cat

From only being pint-sized, a kitten was nursed back to health. She and the one-eyed cat became inseparable friends.

In urgent need of help, a young orphaned kitten was brought to CatRescue 901, a volunteer-run animal rescue. The kitten that Flora was named after was so small that she could fit in the palm of her hand.

Flora had all the odds stacked against her without her mother’s milk. A foster volunteer, Katerina began intensive care of the kitten and used her own body heat to keep the little one safe and relaxed around the clock.

When she was born, she was just 72 grams, and almost didn’t make it overnight despite intensive care, just to see her live before we could rush to the vet in the morning,” .

For a while, it was touch and go, but her foster mom was determined to nurse her back to health. The kitten began to perk up after several sleepless nights and painstaking treatment. Thanks to an enormous effort from Kat, Flora battled her way through her crash,”Flora fought her way through her crashing thanks to an enormous effort from Kat,”

The tabby was even smaller at one week old than a normal newborn kitten.

Kat’s resident pet, Sabrina, who is a rescue as well, has come to give the kitten some much needed TLC. After feeding, she would cuddle with the feline baby and bathe her. “It helped Flora’s development and will to live thinking she had a mother,” Jenny wrote.

“At two weeks old, she was the size of a healthy two day old kitten, and at three weeks old, she was a week behind expected weight for her age, but I think that’s when I started relaxing a little bit because she was steadily, albeit slowly, gaining weight,” Katerina shared with us.

“She was growing and gaining weight but small in size and a bit developmentally delayed, but she caught up with her milestones by six weeks.”

Flora always had a lot of development to do, but every day, the little wonder kitty grew more playful and curious. Her personality was coming through with her new-found enthusiasm.

“When she recovered from calicivirus and we saw how strong and resilient she was, it was a huge relief,” Katerina told us.

“At that point she was just like every other kitten we had fostered, just extra special, and I could work my hardest to find her the perfect family.”

“When she recovered from calicivirus and we saw how strong and resilient she was, it was a huge relief,” Katerina told us.

“At that point she was just like every other kitten we had fostered, just extra special, and I could work my hardest to find her the perfect family.”

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