Woman Adopts Senior Cat, Later Comes Back To Shelter For His 16-Year-Old Best Friend

Two senior cats, 11-year-old Mojo and 16-year-old Max, found themselves in Anne Arundel County Animal Control shelter, Maryland, USA. Their golden days were likely to end in a cage, but then a miracle happened.

A kind-hearted woman adopted Mojo, and a few days ago she came back for his buddy Max. She said that Mojo was a wonderful pet, but she couldn’t get his 16-year-old friend out of her head: “The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart.”

If you happen to know who this wonderful lady is, please let us know!

Kind-hearted woman adopted senior cat Mojo, but his 16-year-old friend Max wasn’t that fortunate


Luckily, the woman couldn’t get Max out of her head and came back for him: “The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart”

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  1. Precious, Delightful Collection or Photos and Stories on This Site. Thank You!

    As a Christian? I’m particularly moved by Report of Decision taken by The Imam of a Mosque to open His Holy Building to Stray Cats during Harshest of Winter Days. Such Compassionate Concern is inspiring!

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