Kitten Stands Like A Kangaroo, Determined To Thrive And Live Best Life

A kitten who stands like a little kangaroo, is determined to live life to the fullest.

Earlier this year, a pregnant cat was brought to an animal shelter in California in need of help. Shortly after arrival, she went into labor and gave birth to five kittens. One of them was exceptionally small and had some deformity in her front legs.

“Shelter staff were not sure if the kitten would survive. Her twisted legs made it hard for her to defend herself. They were transported to Oregon Friends Of Shelter Animals, and they came to my home,” Angela, a foster volunteer of the rescue, shared with us.

The runt of the litter, Dove, needed extra nursing time and lots of TLC. Angela made sure that the kitten had her mom to herself when her siblings were sleeping. “She began to grow steadily every day.”

When her litter mates began to explore, Dove was still crawling and moving around slowly. Her front legs weren’t strong enough to buoy her front torso above the ground, but she was adamant about trying to walk and honing her gait.

With daily physical therapy, massages and encouragement from both her cat mom and foster mom, Dove made incredible strides. As soon as she mastered the art of walking, she was ready to run and create all sorts of shenanigans with her siblings.

“Seeing Dove fiercely determined to walk and catch up to her siblings and how she gets stronger and grows more every day, makes my heart so happy,” Angela added.

Dove has grown in size and strength, and her mobility has improved significantly over the span of a few weeks. She’s extremely adaptable and has figured out the perfect way to clean her face by standing on her hind paws like a kangaroo.

“She may always have slightly twisted legs but that’s okay. She doesn’t let it get in the way of what she wants to do,” Angela shared with us.

When Dove hears an unfamiliar sound or just wants to survey the room, she props herself up and perches on her hind quarters to get a better view of her surroundings.

The runt of the litter has blossomed into a fluffy, vivacious, rambunctious teenage cat.

Dove insists on participating in every activity with other kittens, and tries to outrun and out-wrestle them. If she spots a bouncy toy, she’d chase after it and catch it with such vigor.

Watch Dove and her journey in this cute video:

“In almost every litter I foster, there is always one kitten that I can’t help but connect with the most — it’s almost always the tiniest, the sickest, the underdog who just needs a little help to thrive.”

With the progress Dove has made, she most likely will not need further treatment or surgery for her legs.

“She can run and get around just as well and fast as her siblings. Her front legs doesn’t bother or hinder her at all. She has come so far and I’m just so proud of her,” Angela wrote.

The sweet kangaroo kitty continues to swoon hearts with her endearing personality and determination to live a full life.

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