Кitten Found Оn А Нot Day Нiding Under Сar Gets Вack Оn Нer Feet, Now Тhriving Аs Нappy Lap Сat

A tiny kitten was found under a car on a hot day in desperate need of help. An act of kindness turned her life around.

Early August, a concerned citizen from the San Fernando Valley, California spotted a small kitten lying under a car on an industrial property.

The little feline was covered in dirt, fleas and ants, and appeared to be very lethargic. The temperature of that day was close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and extremely unbearable for the kitten who was frail, hungry, and dehydrated.

When the owner of the property reached out to the community for help, volunteers of Alley Cat Rescue (in the Los Angeles area) sprang into action.

“People jumped in to help pick up the kitten and get her off the ground as soon as possible. A volunteer offered to foster her. It was so hot that day, and the kitten would not have survived for long sitting in that heat,” Alley Cat Rescue told us.

For the first couple of days, the kitten had a hard time latching onto a bottle, and needed assistance to eat. They gave her a much-needed bath and removed all the pesky fleas and ants.

With painstaking care and plenty of cuddles, the kitten perked up and figured out how to suckle from her bottle. “It took a little while to get her back on a feeding schedule,” the rescue shared with us.

“We kept waking up and giving her small amounts of food every two hours, all through the night. Finally one morning, she latched and drank from a bottle beautifully. It was such a relief.”

The sweet kitten was lovingly named Willow, and she quickly adjusted to life as an indoor kitty. Soon, she discovered her purr and became very affectionate around people. After each feeding, she would nuzzle into the hands of her carer and soak up the love.

As Willow began to put on weight and gain strength, her appetite soared. For every baby step she made or milestone she reached, it put a big smile on people’s faces.

“She purrs and nuzzles our hands and snuggles her comfort kitty. Keeping her healthy and happy is our goal.”

In two weeks, Willow has made a complete 180 — she has grown in size and fluff, and her personality is emerging. “She is super playful and sweet. She is at that stage where she is learning about everything around her and batting at it all with her paws.”

The former street kitten has blossomed into a full-fledged lap cat with a cute purr motor. Willow will curl up in her human’s lap and wave her mittens around, trying to catch anything in front of her.

She enjoys being the center of attention and has already had her foster carers wrapped around her big paw.

The sweet kitten is working on growing big and strong, and honing her many feline skills. She loves her VIP life and is on her way to an exciting future ahead of her.

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