Kitten Overcomes Many Obstacles Since Birth And Transforms From Tiniest Wonder To Happiest Cat

A kitten has overcome many obstacles since birth, and transformed into a beautiful, happy cat.

A couple of kittens who had been born early, were brought to Murphy’s Safe Haven (in Texas) for a fighting chance at life. They were very small at two weeks old and needed intensive care.

“Both kittens were very sick and given a 5% survival rate. The first kitten passed away a few days later. I was determined to save the last kitten,” Audrey W. of the rescue shared with us.

After many sleepless nights feeding and caring for the kitten, the pint-sized wonder began to put on weight and gain strength.

“As each day went by, this tiny kitten got stronger and stronger. She was soon given the name, Amelia,” Audrey added.

Amelia was born premature and behind on her milestones. At seven weeks old, she was just the size of a 3-week-old kitten, and finally started eating from a dish by herself.

Every time she crossed a milestone, it was something that the whole family would celebrate for.

“She wasn’t supposed to live past 24-72 hours, so to see her live through another week was heartwarming to us,” Audrey shared with us.

Audrey and her family were in awe with Amelia’s resolve to live a full life, as the kitten continued to exceed expectations.

“At 10 weeks old, she was the size of a 3-4 week old kitten when she should’ve been weighing in at least two pounds. Her growth was severely stunted but she was slowly getting there.”

Despite all the efforts, the kitten still had a few nagging health issues to iron out.

“It soon became obvious that she was not like other cats. After getting more tests done, it was found that Amelia is positive for feline calicivirus. The doctor said, it was a miracle that she was alive with all her past diagnosis.”

When the kitten turned 12 weeks old she finally joined the one pound club, and made her people so proud. Through painstaking care and plenty of love, Amelia was getting healthier and more mischievous every day.

She was fearless and determined, and never let anything stop her from loving life.

Her personality quickly emerged—she would harness her new-found energy to bounce around while demanding Audrey’s constant attention.

When she was not zipping around or wrestling with toys, Amelia would watch her human intently and try to sneak a cuddle, being the perfect little companion.

“As each day went on we got more and more attached. I saw something in her that I’ve never seen before in any other cat,” Audrey shared.

After months of determination to get to the bottom of her health issues, and hard work to get her back in tip-top shape, Amelia has made a great recovery and transformed into a beautiful calico princess.

She is five months old now and still very tiny, but has a mighty personality.

“It’s been an honor to watch her grow up into the beautiful kitten she’s become,” Audrey shared with us.

“And I’m so excited to be able to watch her grow for many more years to come. Because Amelia has been adopted by us.”

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