Two kitten were in a backyard squeaking and waiting for help. Now, they have someone to hold onto every day.
A Good Samaritan heard what sounded like a cat meowing desperately in their backyard while their home was being remodeled. Upon investigation, they found a tiny kitten crying his voice hoarse, and noticed another one just a few feet away, on the edge of the bushes.
Their cat mother never returned for them. The kittens were then brought into Nashville Cat Rescue to be cared for by a dedicated bottle feeder around the clock.
“They were filthy and covered in fleas and dirt. It took many baths to get them clean,” Becca and Nathan, foster volunteers of the the rescue, shared with us.
Once the kittens, Squeak and Adele, were big enough to eat on their own, they came to Becca and Nathan’s home to continue their foster journey.
The fluffy pair (aka the snowballs) were instant cuddle-bugs and immediately clung to their foster parents for comfort.
As soon as they discovered a warm lap, both of them climbed onto it for a nap together. Becca walked into the foster room one day and found the snowballs resting on Nathan’s lap, while he was soundly asleep.
“Both kittens are small for their age and love to comfort-nurse on blankets and our hands — a symptom of not having a mama kitty to nurse as babies. Otherwise, they are in great shape and adore other cats and everyone that they meet.”
The two love affection and snuggles, and are never far from a comfy lap or a resident cat to cuddle. When they want attention and cuddles from their people, they will seek them out singing with their perfectly synchronized meows.
“They both make squeaking crying noises. Squeak is blue-eyed and loves Foster Mom, while Adele has a soft spot for Foster Dad,” the couple told us.
The brother and sister are inquisitive and vivacious, but most of all, they are the most cuddly pair in the house. They will hop on any empty lap they can find, and settle down for a long nap.
Squeak and Adele do everything together and are attached at the hip. They enjoy scampering around the place, playing fetch with toys, nursing on blankets, and demanding attention and snuggles from their people.
The two have befriended Phil, their foster big brother, and shared many snuggles with him.
“Squeak likes to drape himself over whatever blanket or chair or lap he’s sitting on. Adele prefers to curl up in a little ball for her naps,” Becca and Nathan shared.
“They are best buds and perfect playmates, but also brave enough to explore on their own.”
The snowballs have come a long way since they were spotted in the backyard without a mom. Now, they will always have each other and never run out of warm laps to sit on.