Сats Тhat Нave Еxperienced Вoth Нappy Аnd Вad Situations Тogether Вecome Сlose

One Cat At a Time, a cat sanctuary in Quebec, Canada, has welcomed a litter of seven brand-new kittens. Only these two kittens were able to live when the cats were discovered in a terrible state. They were very little, delicate, and skinny.

From the moment they were saved, the feline sisters Charlotte and Victoria displayed a warrior attitude and a want to survive.

One cat at a Time creator Marie Simard stated:

“They were the strongest kittens in the litter, Charlotte meowed until she got her bottle and even kneaded 24 hours a day.”

Victoria, on the other hand, is a miracle; when the veterinarian checked her, he believed she would not live; but, with lots of care, she did.

When the sisters were physically quite weak and started to put on weight and build strength, they were able to conquer the initial challenges.

When they reached four weeks of age, another challenge came, and unfortunately they became very ill with feline panleukopenia, a very dangerous viral disease. In general, the chance of a kitten less than eight weeks old recovering from this disease is very low, so they were at risk.

Marie intended to do all in her power to save the sisters despite the overwhelming odds against them. The mother had to adhere to a rigorous routine and provide the kittens specialized care around-the-clock; her attention had to be ongoing and thorough.

The veterinarian issued a grim prognosis, estimating that they had a 5% chance of life due to their fragile state and advanced age. However, despite this, the two kittens never shown any signs of capitulation; instead, they were constantly prepared to battle for their lives.

During all that time, you could see how they hugged each other while purring nonstop, it seemed that they were comforting each other to be able to move on.

Marie said:

“With a lot of love, patience and care, the sisters were able to survive and became the most playful and affectionate kittens.”

The fact that the sisters were able to survive this illness was unquestionably a miracle; their will to live and their kinship with their brothers greatly assisted them. The sisters were able to break free of the pen once they had sufficient strength in their paws, allowing them to explore the entire house together.

They cuddled up together on their caretaker’s knee and took a well-earned respite after their unexpected tour of the home. Every time Marie is there, the girls come over for a snuggle session since they have developed into loving little animals.

Marie commented:

“They are very affectionate and love to sleep with me, they are very close, I’m sure it has to do with all the obstacles they’ve been through together.”

Along this journey, the felines met Marie’s daughter, who became the biggest cheerleader of the sisters. Since Charlotte and Victoria were out of danger and overcame her illness, she offered herself as her cuddle partner, giving them a lot of love.

The two fierce warrior sisters have transformed into adorable kittens that are ecstatic to have finally found a loving permanent family.

In a Facebook post, his rescuers stated:

“Selecting your families wasn’t simple! We are aware that by accepting one family, other families felt let down. Only 2 kittens were available, yet more than 15 families filled out the application to adopt this cat pair. It is thought that choosing a family who loves them and provides them with a nice life is ultimately what matters.

The family was located. Eric and Sandra, many thanks!

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