Сat Loves Нer Сhristmas Рresent So Мuch She Еmbraces It

While August adores his cat, Twitter user August decided that Pavlova, his best cat, deserved a special gift this year. She was delighted when he gave her a luxury cat bed as a surprise.

Pavlova adored her bed so much that she immediately fell into it, practically merging with it.

August posted a picture on Twitter of Pavlova enjoying her gift, and everyone went wild. People kept commenting that they thought she was a giant cat with a wooden leg and didn’t notice at first that the cat and the bed were two separate things. Pavlova just blended in too well.

It really is kind of challenging to tell where the cat ends and the bed begins — they’re both so fluffy.

In order to disprove the myth that Pavlova is a huge cat and is simply an extremely excellent camouflage artist, August shared further images. She adores her new bed and intends to spend time in it as often as possible. I mean, why not?

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