In July, it was evident that Sugar was ill as soon as he and his siblings arrived to the Exploits Valley SPCA. He needed to stay at the shelter a little bit longer than the rest of his litter since he had a respiratory illness that called for treatment.
While Sugar was recovering, he formed relationships with all of the volunteers and employees at the shelter and enjoyed bragging about what a cute little cat he was.
“He was extremely friendly and vocal from the beginning,” Sarah MacLeod of the Exploits Valley SPCA told The Dodo.
One of the staff members who Sugar saw a lot was Glen. Glen has been working at the shelter for the past 30 years and absolutely loves it. He was often assigned to clean the room where Sugar was staying, and every time Sugar saw Glen, he got so excited.
According to MacLeod, Sugar would shout at Glen to put down his work and pay attention to him.
Every time Glen passed by Sugar, Sugar would meow endlessly until Glen finally gave him some love and attention. Glen had fallen in love with several cats over the course of 30 years, but he always managed to see them go to their permanent homes. However, there was something distinctive about Sugar. Glen and Sugar had a relationship that was plainly unique.
Glen definitely hadn’t had any plans to adopt a kitten. After a while, though, it became clear that Sugar wasn’t going to be happy unless he was always by Glen’s side. He knew what he had to do.
“Glen wasn’t looking to adopt, he has a cat already, but loved Sugar too much to let him be adopted,” MacLeod said.
Glen made Sugar a legal member of his family, and Sugar couldn’t have been more delighted about it.
Now that Sugar has found his new home, he is enjoying life. Every time Glen awakens and sees Sugar, he feels confident in his choice.