Joseph Sopo believed his parents would ultimately convert his room into a gym when he left his parents’ home a year ago. Recently, Sopo visited his parents and discovered that they had actually packed his room with stuff, but it wasn’t exercise equipment.
They were kittens.
Sopo had always grown up with cats, and his parents’ most recent pair were a brother and sister. When the brother sadly passed away, his parents thought about it for a month, and then decided the best thing to do would be to adopt a kitten as a friend for their remaining cat.
When they walked into the shelter that day, they were only planning on getting one kitten, but they quickly fell in love with two. Their names were Sophie and Bob — and they decided they had to adopt them both.
According to Sopo for The Dodo, “They were about to leave with only them when the shelter worker assured them if they accepted Bob’s littermate, too, it would be no further cost.” They couldn’t leave Lucky behind because he was an extremely lovely littermate. So they went from having one cat to four in a single afternoon!
No children and just one cat were present when Sopo’s parents began that day, but by the end of it, their home was teeming with adorable, rambunctious kittens.
With the exception of the three cats that have claimed it as their own, Sopo’s room is now essentially exactly how he left it when he moved out when Sopo pays a visit. Each kitten has an own personality, and raising them and seeing them develop has been just what Sopo’s parents needed after suffering such great loss.
They are really daring, Sopo said. They like playing together, running around the house, climbing their tall cat tower, and sleeping on my parents. Most often, all at once!
In addition to all of his new cat siblings, Sopo and his girlfriend recently adopted a cat of their own, a 5-year-old ragdoll named Phoebe, so wherever he chooses to hang out, no matter what, there will always be cats.
When children eventually move out, it may be quite tough for some parents, but one pair seems to be managing it just perfectly.