Strong Сat Family Dreams Оf Тheir Оwn Нome Аfter Тheir Difficult Рast

A pregnant street cat was discovered by Florida animal activist Heidi Shoemaker. Even though it took many days to catch the elusive tramp, they were eventually apprehended and put to overexposure.

Lorelei, a red and white cat, was initially quite timid and shuddered upon being handled. She started to gradually defrost in connection to her temporary mistress after eating and settling in a new room, and she even purred a bit.

Lorelei was relieved to be at a secure location with lots of food and chances for much-needed leisure.

The next morning, the cat fully recovered and even wanted to be stroked while she was eating. Contractions started later that day.

“That evening, I saw that things were not going smoothly – her first child seemed to be stuck. I had to rush her to the vet,” says Heidi.

With the help of doctors, Lorelei gave birth to three kittens, two of which survived. Veterinarians saved not only these two little lives, but the life of the cat itself.

Mommy Lorelei did not have enough milk while she was recovering from some illnesses. Heidi fed two kittens through a nipple every two hours with a nutrient mixture with healthy supplements.

“As tired as I was, I was determined to feed these little ones.”

Lorelei’s appetite grew while Heidi cared for the infants. After each feeding, she showered her kids with motherly affection by licking them from head to tail.

Lorelei significantly improved thanks to the effects of good nutrition, medication, and love. She started making milk exactly one week after giving birth, and she was able to nurse her kids by herself.

“Mommy Lorelei has recovered her milk production. I was immensely happy. She began to eat so much that I didn’t have time to fill the bowl,” adds Heidi.

“My heart melted with happiness when I watched her feed her babies, and they smack their lips. I stopped giving the kittens supplements, they were growing so well.”

Luke, a red and white kitten, is bigger than Leia. Despite being younger than her sibling, the tricolor female understands how to defend herself as they playfully quarrel within the nest.

The entire family was relocated to a better location with a huge playpen in which to run once the kittens learned to walk and explore.

“Leia and Luke are extremely sweet and friendly. They like to look at people and they meow to get our attention.”

The girl was explosive. Although she is petite in comparison to her brother, her bright feline charm is hard to miss.

They both can’t stop playing and chasing each other around the room. They play together and have a close bond with their mother.

On her breast, Leia is wearing a sweet bow tie. She continues to be a pest and enjoys pulling practical jokes on her brother around the house.

“Life shook Lorelei, and I am glad that now she is on a new path,” says Heidi. “She is warm, quiet, calm, and also a wonderful, affectionate mother to Luke and Leia.”

She hardly ever leaves her kittens, even after six weeks. Her peculiarity also stems from the fact that she is a girl with red hair and eyes.

Well, the younger sibling and sister work as a team, drawing strength from one another.

Lorelei continues to nurse her children, even though they are already big enough to be independent. Luke and Leia love their mom in return and always come running to pamper her between games.

Having gone through a lot, a young family of mother and two children is ready to find permanent owners.

“Kittens have strong bonds with their mothers and with one another. This is precious to witness. After everything they’ve gone through, I hope someone will be willing to adopt all three of them at once.

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