Pistachio is a cute stray cat that lives on the streets of Los Angeles. The unfortunate kitten has no family or one to look after her, but she has an extraordinary desire to survive and will never give up.
Pistachio began going throughout the neighborhood, meowing at the top of his lungs. Despite her best attempts, no one approached her and invited her in.
Pistachio was rescued by an animal rescue organisation called Alley Cat Rescue when she was three months old. Desiree, a rescue organization worker, made the hasty decision to save this small stray cat.
Desiree found Pistachio standing on a porch, meowing as loud as she could. Desiree brought Pistachio into her house and gave her a very needed bath. The poor kitten was so infested with dirt and fleas that the bath water tinted red.
After that, Desiree found Pistachio a foster home, and the small cat was overjoyed to have foster parents who adored her. Pistachio is now full of life and energy after a week at the foster home.
Even though Pistachio had such a rough beginning, she never lost her sweet personality, and she still trusts people. After everything she’s been through, this kitten deserves a great home and she is still looking for a forever home.
“Open your arms and she settles in for a cuddle! She is quick to purr and show how happy she is!” Desiree says.
If you want to know more about Pistachio or Alley Cat Rescue, check out their Facebook page. Please share this story with your friends and family.