Malia, who resides in the United States, was to Co-Op City Field in the Bronx to see her kid play baseball. She listened to a group of people who were ecstatic after discovering a litter of kittens in the field.
The kittens were in bad shape, filthy and frail, and they need immediate assistance. Malia handed them over to Sunny, a rescuer who may save them.
Sunny says:
“She and her husband hurried me over to the kids.” My son (CJ Sung) and I picked them up, washed them, and fed them all.”
A rescued kitten clings to a young guy and refuses to let go.
The kittens appeared to be about 3 weeks old and still needed 24-hour care. They took a bit of strength from the first day and quickly one of them began to stand out.
The chimera-like little girl was very attached to Sunny’s youngest son and clung to the young man.
She was really attached to the boy and she didn’t like being pushed away from his lap, she clung to him tightly.
Suny tells:
“Chimera automatically grabbed CJ and hissed at me and my oldest son, even though I was carrying the bottle.”
The kittens were just passing through and would be adopted as soon as they healed, but CJ fell in love with the tiny girl from the first minute and urged her mother to adopt her.
Sunni continued:
‘I like it. She is my feline companion. He was smitten with her and pleaded with me to stay with her. Chimera was her name.
The kittens were quite lively and playful after they had recovered. Chimera seemed to like these activities, but she constantly raced for hugs and cuddles from her favorite person; she appeared to be the boss of feline mischief and was always in trouble; when she was alone next to CJ, she appeared to be peaceful.
As the weeks passed, the cats were fully recovered, happy and mischievous. Chimera really felt very comfortable.
Sunny says:
“She’s a troublemaker and likes to get into places she shouldn’t. She is very smart and she knows who to turn to when she gets into trouble.’
Chimera is mischievous, but she gets along well with the other animals and humans at home, and it’s fascinating to watch how her demeanor shifts when she’s around CJ; she’s calm and affectionate with him.
Sunny explains:
“Chimera’s siblings were adopted once the kittens were old enough, and she stayed with us.”
Chimera is a mischievous creature who rushes around causing havoc. She is very energetic and restless, but as soon as she meets her favorite human, she settles down totally. The boy’s mother said that her son is like a tiny angel next to her and that all she wants to do is cuddle as close as possible.
Chimera is now an adult cat that proudly waves her gorgeous fluffy tail; his attitude is as restless as it was on day one, and his antics continue to make everyone at home laugh.
Chimera is a dominating cat that is constantly up to something and has a lot of energy, but she has become really lovely and affectionate since meeting CJ, and hugs are still the norm.
Sunny went on to say, ”
“He’s your closest pal.” It was clearly her choice.”