Injured Сat Was Тhrown Оut In А Вackpack Like Тrash

When a lady in Alberta, Canada, was putting out her trash, she found a backpack in the bin. She opened the backpack, concerned, and saw another bag knotted shut. She had her boyfriend come over and assist her to open the bag since she was a little spooked out.

They discovered a cat inside.

The woman immediately called Alberta Animal Services, who rushed the cat to its facility for immediate care. The poor cat had severe head trauma, and no one was certain if he would make it, Erica Coomber, director of operations for Alberta Animal Services, told The Dodo.

Following a thorough inspection, it was discovered that the cat had been smothered, resulting in neurological problems and blindness that may never go away. In addition to having a damaged pelvis, the cat was also emaciated.

“His neurological difficulties aren’t getting any better at this time,” Coomber added. “What this kitten has gone through is horrific, and we hope and pray that we can help him get through this and that he recovers completely.”

The cat has yet to be given a name, but the shelter is contemplating Hiro, after a character from the TV program “Heroes.”

While the injured cat isn’t quite out of the woods, he’s already shown that he’s a warrior, and with the correct care, he should be able to heal fully.

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