The kittens had severe colds and were blind in their eyes. Because the shelter lacked the means to give necessary care, the family was sent to Johnson City, Tennessee’s Neonatal Kitten Rescue. Unfortunately, two of the kittens died on the journey.
“Knowing that I was involved in guardianship, the rescuer contacted me and asked if I would be interested in temporarily adopting the cats. Sarah Foster says, “I agreed.” “The mother was practically skin and bones when they arrived, and the children were very underweight.”
Kitten in gray Lily was just a third of the average weight. She had lost her vision and was sluggish, virtually unable to raise her head.
Sarah feared for Lily’s life and wanted to give her a chance to fight. “She managed to survive two stronger brothers and sisters, this fact speaks of a great desire to live,” says Sarah.
“I hugged her to me and said that I know how many difficult trials fell on her lot, but she will cope with everything, I believe in it.”
Sarah syringed her by the hour and gave antibiotics to both kittens. “Lily worked hard for every gram, and we were overjoyed when she hit the next milestone of 100 g,” Sarah adds.
“Poor Lily had a hard time, but she kept moving forward.”
Penelope doted on her children. She touchingly hugged her sick daughter, trying to caress her recovery.
Penelope was quite emaciated and her fur coat was ragged when she was rescued. “She looked after the kittens and fed them, despite the fact that it was difficult. “However, she broke apart when she found herself with children in a limited place and lost two,” Sarah explains.
The cat was finally allowed to relax and dedicate some time to their own health after being overexposed.
“It became peaceful, serene, and she was free to do anything she wanted since she was removed from any sources of stress.”
Despite the lack of milk, the adorable feline lies down and exposes her tummy to the kittens, providing them with a sense of safety.
“Babies start purring as soon as they get close to her,” Sarah explains.\
Penelope cleanses and bathes them in motherly affection with zeal.
“Her demeanor and looks have much improved. She is certain that her children are secure and that the worst is behind them. She is content.”
“Now she teaches them the art of being a cat – she climbs into the playpen and scatters toys with her claws, she can climb into Lily’s children’s house.”
Lily partially restored vision in her left eye. She follows her mother on the heels and imitates all her actions.
“Lily enjoys chasing after her mother’s tail. Her right eye appears to be completely blind, but her left takes on a double burden. She’s turned into my hurdy-gurdy, feeds well, and enjoys lying on my lap and playing.
Despite the fact that she is still considerably smaller than her brother, she can easily outrun or outrun him during games.
Mommy and her two kittens are ready to go on to the next chapter of their lives: finding a permanent loving family.