Kitten Carer Rescue founder Jessica Roof has been approached about a paralyzed hind limb kitten in need of assistance. The mom did not wait by when the infant was taken to safety.
The kitten was skin and bones, sluggish, malnourished, and flea-infested when it arrived. “It was clear that the lower part of his body didn’t feel anything,” Jessica explains, “as he dragged his torso and legs around the floor, functioning solely with his front paws.”
Despite having to endure so much, the kitten was always interested in food and meowed loudly from the start.
The kitten named Mohan was about three weeks old. Volunteer nanny Courtney kindly invited him to her cozy home.
“He snuggled close to me all night and just stared at me with his big, beautiful eyes—I knew he was happy to be rescued,” Courtney shares. “He hugged my fingers and teddy bear all night, purring.”
The kitten did not feel anything from the waist to the tip of the tail, according to the doctor who performed the examination.
“The first and second lumbar vertebrae of Mohan’s spine are compressed. “It appears to be the result of a major fall,” Courtney says. “Acupuncture promotes blood circulation and decreases edema, so we’re hoping it will aid Mohan’s recovery.”
Mohan was being treated for a possible infection while he continued physical therapy (including hydrotherapy) at home. “We have very high expectations for this kid, he is a fighter and wants to be on the move all the time.”
The striped boy is eager to stand and walk like all cats, and nothing can stop him from enjoying life.
“He’s so enthralling!” He’s a cocky young man who is always attempting to utilize his legs and won’t let anything stand in his way.”
“He’ll always figure out a way to get where he’s going.” Thanks to continuous home therapy, he appears to be feeling better in his lower body every day. The way his legs are moving now is amazing.”
Mohan dragged his hind limbs just a few weeks ago, and today he balances wonderfully on all fours – this is a milestone. His stamina grew, his mobility improved, and his personality developed.
He enjoys grabbing anything that moves and climbing on anything he can get his hands on.
“Baby Mohan has a strong desire to walk using his paws,” Kourtney says.
“I’ve seen him try to leap forward and balance on all four legs for a few seconds at a time. Every minute, it appears that things are getting better.”
Yesterday, Mohan received his first acupuncture treatment at the veterinarian’s office. He frolicked about the room and embraced the employees profusely.
“He was a bold man.” He fell asleep in the car in less than a few minutes when I picked him up in the evening.”
The strong-willed kitten never ceases to amaze his people as he continues to live life to its fullest and moves steadily towards walking on his own feet.