Тhe Stray Сat Was Тrying Тo Рrotect Нer Кittens From Тhe Rain With Нer Вody

In Logan, West Virginia, a huge cardboard box was recently discovered outside the city’s animal shelter. Robin Kilgore heard a faint meow from within the box as she approached it.

Robin was going to work which works in the private shelter “One By One Animal Advocates”.

It was raining heavily and the cardboard box had become damp and soft. Robin was surprised to see a small patchwork cat inside, trying to cover and warm with her whole body three still very small kittens when she opened the box.

“We have no idea how long this package has been there. The cat and kittens were freezing, and the inside of the box was also wet.”

Robin used a towel to dry the animals before placing the cat and kittens in a container and transporting them to the One By One Animal Advocates in Huntington.

After the cat and kittens were examined, warmed and fed, they began to look for a foster family. The new “mother” of the family, Sarah, has made a comfortable nest for the cat and her kittens from a box and a warm soft blanket.

Gypsy was the cat’s name, and her three (all-boy) kittens were called Panda (white kitten), Cheddar, and Velvet. For a while, the cat couldn’t move away from her babies, but once she learned they were in a secure location, she relaxed a little.

Robin hopes that as soon as the kittens are older, they will be adapted by a family that would adapt them all without separating them.

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