Donna, an Ohio feral cat volunteer, was conducting her volunteer job as usual about a month ago when she discovered a kitten hiding on a ledge.
“I peered out the window and saw this girl, trembling and petrified with dread.” “She was abandoned among a colony of stray cats (whom I care for),” Donna explains.
The woman did not have a carrier with her at the time, so she went to the car and removed a large jar from the cat food stored inside.
“When I returned, I easily grabbed the baby from the windowsill. At the moment of our contact, she began to purr.
Despite her timidity, the girl purred, realizing that nothing threatened her. Donna put the kitten (Nini) in a makeshift carrier and took her to the vet.
Locals claimed to have seen another kitten of roughly the same age as Nini. It turned out to be her brother. “The house they resided in is deplorable and has since been abandoned.”
Donna returned for the rest of the kitten and was able to securely take it up.
Their reunion was charming. There is real pure love between them,” says Donna.
The kittens were all in fleas, hungry, neglected. “Good food, physicals, parasite treatment, and they were as good as new. Yes, the crumbs had a hard time at the beginning of life, but now everything is behind.
Niko, the boy, was very fluffy and weighed about a pound less than Nini. Despite being such a wuss, he performed the role of an elder brother and never stopped caring for his sister.
“Before the arrival of Nico, Nini could not learn how to use the tray. He showed her a master class. This almost weightless boy immediately knew what to do, and Nini followed in his footsteps.
Brother and sister outgrew their playpen and moved into a larger suite. They hurried about the room, catching up with one other and hooligans as children should.
“It’s simply a bomb for them – more space, more toys.” Niko was gaining weight, but he was still half a kilogram heavier than his sister. “But he made her sweat in sports,” Donna says.
“They fight a lot, but as soon as you touch them, they start purring.” They’re made of pure joy.”
Nini and Niko adopted Iva, a young foster cat, as their own. “Nico was the girls’ go-between; he taught them how to play and how to get along.”
The relationship between a brother and a sister is extremely tight. “They adore cuddling, purring incessantly, and bringing nothing but smiles and joy.”
They were placed on adoption lists on the Cats are People Too Club, Inc. (CAPT) website after spending weeks in foster care, hoping that some beautiful family would discover them.
The fantastic news arrived today: the two are leaving foster care and will be living together in their permanent home. “Nico and Nini discovered a family for two and will not be separated!” “There are no words to express how happy we are,” the animal rights campaigners wrote.
“They have soaked up every drop of love they’ve been given since their terrible childhood,” Donna shares. “They are so rounded, funny fluffy balls, they have years and years of joy and love ahead of them in a new family.”