Кitty Was Аbandoned Вy Нer Owner Аnd Dumped Оn Тhe Street Where She Was Saved By A Kind Woman

One woman, not indifferent to the fate of our smaller brothers, posted on Avito an announcement about a cat, which she is ready to give in to good hands. The woman found this cat on the street, as well as her other temporary pets, treated her, and now she wanted to find her owners.

Marina Burkhanova responded to her ad. Soon they agreed to transfer the cat from hand to hand.

And the cat’s destiny was not pleasant. She had previously been protected by a man who turned out not to be the most responsible property owner.

When he needed to get out, he just placed the pet outside the door and walked away. Of course, the poor fluffy creature had no idea how to make ends meet on the streets…

When that compassionate woman discovered her, the cat was on the edge of death. Thankfully, everything is well with the fluffy now, because the new mistress Marina lacks a soul.

The first few weeks after the housewarming, however, were full of surprises. The cat, it found out, had managed to get out and had spent many days attempting to flee the flat or hiding in a dark, difficult-to-reach location. But that’s all behind us now. Saba, the kitten named after Marina, fell in love with her and began to purr, caress, and no longer hide.

Saba is alive and happy thanks to the fact that there are caring people!

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