Mochi, an inquisitive cat with probing paws and a fascination with dazzling computer and television screens, ended up generating a pleasant accident for her owner, Jessica Schleider.
Mochi has loved putting herself in between Schleider and her work from the very beginning.
When Schleider and her boyfriend were still in graduate school, they spotted the cat as a stray living inside a UPS truck with two of her babies and adopted her.
“She was immediately intrigued with my laptop,” Schleider told. “I believe she went to many websites during this specific slumber.”
Schleider is now an assistant professor of psychology at Stony Brook University, where she focuses on mental health research. She spends most of her time searching for funds to ensure that she can do the research she needs to undertake.
Schleider was doing just that when she decided to take a vacation lately. She wanted to be sure she’d crossed all the metaphorical ‘i’s before completing the application since the grant she was asking for was really essential – it was worth $100,000.
“I was working from home and decided to take our dog, Penny, for a stroll outdoors before ‘taking the leap,’” she said.
While Schleider was away, Mochi decided to immerse herself in Schleider’s work in a whole new way.
When Schleider returned, she saw something was wrong when she looked at the screen.
“I realized she’d hit the’submit’ button on [the] grant application,” she explained. “I had a mild panic attack,” says the narrator.
But there was nothing Schleider could do except wait for the results of the application.
Mochi seemed largely unconcerned — and as it would turn out, the cat was right not to worry.
“I found out I won the grant this week,” Schleider said. “Her fixation with screens has finally paid off!”