Scаred Kittеn Who Criеd For Helр Undеr A Cаr Got Resсued And Fоund A Lоving Homе

Puhcho the kitten was found crying for help under a car in an underground parking lot.

At first, Puhcho was hesitant when it came to leaving the car. It took Stoyan and Dessy (from Bulgaria) some time to lure him to come down. The kitten was very scared and the two hoomans helped calm him down.

After being rescued by Stoyan and Dessy, Puhcho lived with them until they could find an adopter.


At first, no one showed interest in the poor kitten.

After a few months, Puhcho was finally adopted by a family who lost their cat at the age of 10 due to health issues.

And now, Puhcho is living a new life in Varna (190km away).

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