Meet a lovely couple. Paul Robertson and his cat Percy are in love with each other above all else. Paul is a truck driver and animal lover who enjoys his work, despite the fact that it might be lonely on the long journey. As a result, he decided to adopt a cat named Howie as his traveling companion a few years ago. Howie passed away in 2017, and Robertson had one of the most terrifying experiences of his life.
Day by day, he realized it was time to find a new friend to fill the gap in his wounded heart, so he went to an animal shelter to do so. He chose the shelter because he wanted to provide a loving home for another stray cat. He also encountered Percy, a ginger stray cat on the streets, at the shelter.
Percy has an injury over his right eye and one of his canine teeth was missing due to a few street battles. He was still as lovely as could be, despite his tough history. Robertson felt Percy was the cat for him right away and chose to adopt him.
Percy entered Robertson’s life and quickly became his ideal travel companion for long-distance journeys. The sweet-natured feline enjoys travelling in the vehicle and taking in the scenery. Paul’s trucking lifestyle was easy for Percy to adapt to. They collaborate on everything, work as a team, and live as a family.
We’re overjoyed that Percy and Robertson have met! They’ve been together for over two years, and the adorable kitty has brought Robertson so much joy.