Nо One Thоught This Kittеn Wоuld Survivе

Shuri is the furry sweetheart of Simona and her husband who adopted her. However, this little ball of fur had so many health issues that she almost died.

She weighted just over 1lb when she was adopted so her new parents took her straight to the vets to make sure she was in good health.

The vet discovered she had a fever and gave her some injections to lower the fever and treat the infection that was causing it.

But two weeks later the fever returned and it was worse than before, she needed to be hospitalized because now her eyes and nose were also infected.

Shuri was diagnosed with feline viral Rhinotracheitis, she probably got the infection when she was born, or soon after from her mother or the litter she was is. She was so fragile and weak, she had to be put on IV.

During her stay at the vet, they discovered some other problems she had. She had a fungus on her skin that was causing her to lose her fur.

She had even infected her humans with the fungus the short time she had been with them.

It took three months, lots of trips to the vet and host of medications before Shuri was in the clear.

Despite all her health issues and her small size, she is a very happy and playful cat.

She runs around the house like she is a puma, she spends a lot of time at the windows birdwatching.

You can see more of Shuri and follow her progress on Instagram.

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