Kittеn Still Keeрs Prоtecting His Brоther After Bеing Rescuеd From Wildfirеs

Phoenix and Ash were two kitten siblings that were found and rescued during wild fires in California.

Phoenix has always been close to his brother’s side, covering him as if he was shielding him from harm.

The kittens were with their cat mom when they were found by rescuers, but while the rescue team were approaching the wood burning stove they were hiding in, the mom cat ran away.

The kittens were so scared and cold but kept each other alive until help arrived.

The two were completely inseparable and would cry for each other when they weren’t together.

They were bought to the Fieldhaven Feline Center, based in Lincoln, by their rescuers where they treated and fed them.

Phoenix had burns on his paws and had lost all his whiskers, all through their terrible ordeal he had protected his brother and made sure he was unharmed.

Now in the care of the rescue team, he could finally relax and begin to heal himself.

Throughout this terrible time and at the rescue center, Phoenix never left his brother’s side.

It’s hoped that soon they will be reunited with their mother. A big thank you to all the people that were battling these deadly fires in California.

UPDATE: Phoenix and Ash have now been adopted together into a loving forever home.

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