This Cutе Cat with Diffеrent Eye Colоurs is Mеlting Our Heаrts with Its Adorаble Antics!

A special cat is taking the internet by storm and netizens are loving it!

The kitty’s name is Niu Nai and she’s from China and her name means “milk” in Mandarin. The kitty has her own Instagram account and it’s simply full of her adorable pictures. Niu Nai also has over 39,000 followers on Instagram already and the number is growing.

According to Insider Australia, this adorable feline has heterochromia and it’s a rare genetic condition which causes her eyes to be different colours. This cute feline has one blue eye and one yellow eye which look as round as marbles.

Don’t worry, it’s not a serious condition or a medical problem. Cats with this condition are also called ‘odd-eyed cats’ and are super adorable.

White cats are mostly the ones that would have heterochromia, as stated in Cat-World. The fact that Niu Nai, who is predominantly black has it means that she’s a very special kitty.

It’s also completely normal for an odd-eyed kitty’s blue eye to look red in pictures. That’s because of the melanin layer in the blue eye which clears away some shades of light, according to Cat Health.

Niu Nai’s owner, Clare Zheng said to Insider Australia that the cat “loves to eat and sleep all day.” She added that Niu Nai isn’t scared of strangers and she loves all the attention she has been getting. It’s not only her amazing eyes that have been getting attention as Niu Nai’s habit of sticking her tongue out has been melting hearts as well. Isn’t she just the cutest thing?

Niu Nai has also been spreading positivity on social media and netizens are appreciating it.

This beautiful cat brightens up people’s days and we need a lot more of that positive vibes in the world right now.

Also, she looks a lot like Toothless the dragon, don’t you think?

That’s one cute kitty! Stay awesome, Niu Nai!

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