A Little Bit of Love and Care Goes a Long Long Way

When a young lady, Gloraeanna, and her friend saw a tiny kitten in the middle of the road they were not sure if she was still alive.

But then she lifted her head and they realized that there was no way that they were going to leave her behind.

Gloraeanna explains: “Zaak and I found this kitten in the middle of the road when we were coming back from our bike ride today. We thought she was dead until she lifted her head towards us.”

“We both began to cry because we thought we were about to watch her slowly die in pain. We sat with her for 10 minutes until we decided to move her to the side of the road. We waited but she only seemed to feel better, so we took her home and cleaned her up.”

The kitten became more animated after they petted her for a bit. She even started purring and meowing.

It was amazing to see the difference in her in such a short period of time, Gloraeanna and Zaak were overwhelmed by it all.

They decided to call her Mira, taught her how to drink from a bottle and began nursing her back to health.

This little tabby kitten began her journey to a full recovery, they even gave her a little plush toy to keep her company.

Mira is now fully recovered and has a friend named Izuko.

The pair of them love to snuggle together when it’s time for a nap.

It just shows that a little love and care goes a long long way.

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