Cat Dad Builds Epic Tree House To Keep His Indoor Kitties Safe

This elaborate cat tree house is the work of Alex, a carpenter from Brooks Joinery.

He built it so his indoor cats could appreciate the outside world safely.

They would spend their days staring out of the window, it was obvious that they wanted to be outside.

This gave him the idea to create an enclosure underneath the outdoor decking attached to their house.

Being an experienced carpenter, he knew he could make a great place for his kitties to hang out.

Alex’s hard work paid off, his kitties love their catio, the name given to an outdoor enclosure for indoor cats.

It’s an amazing structure, with tunnels and gates that allow the cats to enjoy their time without restricting their freedom.

When Hadley, Alex’s daughter, shared her dad’s masterpiece on Reddit, it took the internet by storm because of the family’s devotion to their cats.

This amazing project is still not complete as Alex intends to add a second entry from an upstairs window that connects to the treehouse.

So now their three cats, Daisy, Marvel and Luna have a fabulous time in the safety of their outdoor sanctuary.

I totally love this guy and his devotion to his kitties.

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