14 Year Old Street Cat Helps Orphaned Kittens in Need

Runt the tabby cat had been a stray most of his life, that was until Emily took him in.

When she found him he was in a terrible condition, he was also malnourished and had several wounds on his face and ears as well as having a respiratory infection.

So he was in pretty bad shape when arrived at the Lake County Animal Shelter. The vet also told Emily something that took her by surprise, Runt was 14 years old!

So instead of leaving at the shelter, Emily volunteered to be his foster mom.

Runt is an easygoing cat and gets on well with all the other pets in the house, even the puppies and the kittens.

One time, Emily brought home a foster kitten and Runt took it upon himself to the nurture the little one.

At first Emily thought that the kitten wouldn’t pull through but he did, thanks to Runt. Now, every time Emily brings home a foster kitten, Runt becomes new dad.

He takes care of them all as if it’s his life calling.

So now Runt lives with Sassy, Pixie and Petunia who was shot in the face but has bounced back and is now a beautiful cat.

Watch Runt in action with his foster kittens:

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