Cat Sold By His Owner At Animal Market Is Now In Safety And Happiness

This cat, Punky, has a heartbreaking story to share. He was found lying in sadness at an animal market. In the past, Punky had been a cheerful cat loved and cared for by his previous owner. As he no longer wanted him, he sold him to the market and got money from that. The poor boy was betrayed, and he was disappointed and hopeless. He was waiting for someone to come and help him.

Seeing the rescuer of Animal’s Cottage, Punky wagged his tail to express he was ready to leave that terrible place. Luckily, Punky didn’t feel afraid and decided to trust the rescuer. After talking to the shopkeeper, he took the cat to the vet for medical care. Although Punky looked like a healthy cat, he still needed a physical checkup.

Punky had a blood test at the vet, and the doctor said that his condition was out of danger. However, the test showed that he suffered from a lack of food and water and needed vitamins to recover. The obedient boy received an injection at the vet. He was happy to learn that he was already in good hands.

After the vet visit, the rescuer brought Punky to his shelter. The cat is now in special care and love. He loved good food and comfortable cuddles. Hopefully, sweetheart Punky will recover soon and become a healthy boy.

Many of us feel happy when such an adorable soul like Punky is rescued. Thank Animal’s Cottage for bringing a better life to animals. If you find their work meaningful, donate them here. You can subscribe their Youtube Channel to update more information about Punky.

Watch the full rescue here:

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