Adorable Kitty Steals Limelight At The Announcement Of Putra Heights PPV Opening

Cats are magical creatures. Even when they are not doing anything much, they can still be entertaining and cute. Place a cat in any situation and immediately, the entire outlook of the situation will be better. They are always just minding their own business and being themselves and because of that, they make the world a better place.

This phenomenon can be seen when a little cutie pie decided to include itself in a very important press conference at the Putra Heights LRT station. The event was held in conjunction with the opening of a PPV at the station, led by Prasarana Group’s Chief Human Capital Officer, Tomin Salikan. Rapid KL shared some pictures of the kitty on their official page, drawing more attention to the kitty than the whole event. The page wrote,

“In the midst of the calmness during the PPV opening press conference at Putra Heights LRT Station by the Chief Human Capital Officer of Prasarana Group, Encik Tomin Salikan just now, there happened to be a creature that placed itself there to steal the limelight.”


Read the full post here:

From the pictures shared, we can see that the kitty is very friendly and wears a collar. It might belong to the houses in the area or even one of the shopowners there. Wherever it may be from, the kitty managed to uplift the mood of those who are there for the event and during these trying times, we could use a little mood-booster every once in a while. Thank you kitty!


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