Paralyzed Kitten Is Sassiest Cat Her Foster Mom’s Ever Seen

Marlena is a foster parent to little kittens and when she was scrolling through her Instagram she spotted a tiny black kitten that no longer had the use of her back legs.

Because of that her previous humans had decided to surrender her to animal control rather than seeking help.

So Marlena decided to take the kitten on and she what she could do to help her.

When they both arrived home Marlena realized that (now named) Raven was a lot smaller than she first thought and took her to the vet to see what could be done.

After a ten minute consultation with Raven she said that she was fully paralyzed and recommended euthanasia.

Marlena was mortified as the vet explained that cats such as Raven have no quality if life, she refused to accept this so asked the vet what she needed to do as there was no way that feisty little kitten was being put to sleep.

She knew that Raven’s life was only just beginning.

Watch the video to see her progress:

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