Abandoned Cat Gets Rescued And Becomes An Internet Celebrity Thanks To His Cute Outfits

Meet Benson, an abandoned cat who is taking the Internet by storm thanks to his quirky personality and cute outfits. Looking at his happy face and his perfect life, no one could image he used to an abandoned cat living on the streets of Dubai. His former owner moved away and left him behind to fend for himself. Thankfully, a great family from USA saved him and decided to give him a second chance at a happy life.

Since moving into his new home, Benson has shown everyone that he is a special cat. His family created an Instagram page for him, where they often share his cute pics with the world. Not only does the family give him all the necessary things, but they also go above and beyond what is required. They give him a wardrobe filled with seasonal clothes that match the look of his home or the places he frequents.

Benson is quite a calm and patient cat. He loves eating tuna and wearing glasses. Once he wears glasses, he will stay still for owners to take the pictures. After his owners noticed that he seemed to like wearing glasses, they tried take some photos with clothes and hats. And the results were awesome! Benson’s outfits are definitely made to fit his special style and his unique personality!

From a rescue cat living in Dubai, Benson now becomes a cat influencer and is capturing everyone’s hearts. We are happy to know that he is living happily with his new owners, and is on his journey into fashion. We adore his costumes and his personality, so gathered some photos of him to share with you. Scroll down to see for yourself! If you love Benson, you can keep up with him on Instagram.

































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