Kittens Were Waiting For Me on the Street in a Box

It’s always good to hear that there are people out there that go out of their way to help out the stray cats they come across on the streets, even the ones that are weary of human company and run for cover when approached.

Robin Seplut is one of these people. He is a kind man who spends a lot of his time helping out stray kitties.

In this video he discovers that someone has left a box of kittens on the street, so he gives them lots of attention and then brings them some food.

They are very happy that someone has brought them some food and as you will see they are not very shy and seem to be enjoying his company.

It always grieves me when kittens are left abandoned like this, how can people be so uncaring?

How lucky are all the stray cats that live in this area to have such a kindhearted man that takes the time to make sure that their lives are improved.

Watch the video:

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