Man Wakes Up To Flooded House After Cats Left Tap Running On 2 Different Occasions

A man in Singapore has woken up to find his home flooded. And it seems like his cats were responsible.

Zul Taylor says in the background:

I was just about to go to work. Hey, don’t play! Just look, they’re playing with the water.

On another occasion, he woke up to find his house flooded again.

This time he found that someone has turned on the tap and left the water running.

According to Mothership, he said:

I just woke up. I heard – who switched on the tap? I’m at home alone. Look guys, it’s flooded again. I need to go to work.

Who left the water running?


But that wasn’t the end of his cats’ mischievous act.

This time, instead of messing with water, they chose to create chaos with toilet paper.

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