For This Cat, the Pensioner Was Offered Half A Million Rubles and A Car. “I Don’t Sell Children,” the Man Replied

This cat’s name is Lyova. He is incredibly smart, knows a lot of teams and does sports exercises. He knows all this thanks to the education of the owner.

The cat was born in Mongolia. He had many brothers and sisters, but the mistress drowned them all. Lyova survived only because of her unusual appearance.

On the same day, the cat mom took her only surviving kitten and ran away from home. For some time she wandered the streets, after which she nailed to a military base.

There Leva met his future best friend Peter Petrovich. When the man finished the service, he took Lyova with him to Kaliningrad.

Since then, this couple has been inseparable, and spends all their free time together.

A former military man trained Leo so that the whole city admires his intelligence.

Another feature of the cat is an interesting collar. He got it from the wife of Peter Petrovich.

When she was dying, she asked her husband to make a collar for a cat from her beads. the man fulfilled the last will of his wife.

The fame of the smart cat quickly spread throughout the country.

Once a pensioner received an offer to sell a cat. He was offered half a million rubles, then a car, but the man refused.

He said that Lyova is almost like a child to him, so there can be no question of selling.

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