Аdventurous Cat Loves to Sail and Explore with her Нumans

It has been said by many that cats really don’t like water, and of course that statement can be true at times, I know that my kitties have no interest in it whatsoever.

But here we meet a cat that absolutely loves being afloat, really enjoys swimming, exploring new places and the all the adventures of life on the ocean wave.

It all started when her humans decided it was time to sell up, buy a boat and spend their days discovering what life was like sailing around the Atlantic.

At the time they didn’t have a pet but before long thought that a feline friend would make a good sailing companion and a valuable part of the family. And they couldn’t have found a better cat that would adapt to their new lifestyle.

When Miss Rigby first came into their lives as a kitten, they practiced loads of different things with her whilst still in the dock.

They made sure she liked water and was able to swim, then taught her how to deal with life at sea before they all embarked on their great adventure.

And as you will see, she totally loves her humans, her adventurous life and took to it like a duck to water.

She’s very independent, loves to explore and get up to mischief, and gets very excited when she gets the chance to go for walks with her human dad.

She especially likes exploring new lands and when they reach shore she can’t wait to see what lies ahead of her. This amazing kitty is a joy to watch and will utterly melt your heart.

Watch the video to see what a wonderful life she leads:

You can keep up with Miss Rigby’s adventures on Instagram.

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