Аnd Off He Goes! Gus And His Сheeks Have Been Adopted By The Рurrfect Couple

Since we met Gus, his life has been full of snuggles, drool and unfortunately a few extra vet visits. But now, the adorable once-stray cat with pinchable cheeks is off on his next adventure! Because now that his expert foster mom Ashley, a.k.a. The Youngest Old Cat Lady, has worked her magic, Gus has found the purrfect forever family!

Gus’s and his swoon-worthy cheeks arrived in her care during a massive TNR project at a local barn.

Being one of more than 50 cats trapped at the location, there was just something special about the friendly boy. Sadly, Ashley doesn’t know if he was dumped or abandoned, since it’s not often strays simply allow themselves to be trapped. But that’s basically what Gus did, happily snacking away in the trap. And as soon as he settled indoors, he staked his claim to Ashley’s lap.

The two spent each day showering each other with snuggles, love and a flooding amount of drool! #worthit

But Gus’s stomach was proving to be more disagreeable than his loving persona. The poor boy had not had a solid “bathroom break” since his arrival. Ashley researched until she discovered what he needed though. In Gus’s case, his solution was to be put on a completely raw diet. And poof, happy poops!

Over a month of having diarrhea and FINALLY today Gus had SOLID  💩 . We switched to a raw diet two days ago and it’s exactly what his stomach wanted. This means Gus can get neutered (and a dental) as planned tomorrow!! Yay!!

Now that he was feeling better, his neuter surgery was scheduled.

This will normally cause a male cats cheeks to begin to shrink once the testosterone fade. In Gus’s case, I kind of hope they never do!

Received this photo from the vet this morning saying Gus would be performing his own neuter  😂  🤣

He did have a small issue after the surgery, but it is not uncommon.

Gus is having a little complication from his neuter. He’s totally fine but we are going back to the vet soon. The only reason I post about it is because it may delay his adoption but I’m hoping he can be adopted either this weekend or the next.  ❤️

“Am I a joke to you lady?” – Gus

The cone lasted approximately 2 minutes before he got it off. I’m now holding him in my arms and watching how much he wants to lick his incisions. Gus was cryptorchid so they had to go in through his stomach to remove his other testicle. We sent it in to be tested since it was attached to another organ in a strange way. Just to be sure we wanted to make sure there was nothing odd going on.

He only had to have 1 tooth removed and had another tooth fixed that was probably pretty painful. The drooling is not from the teeth though, that’s just a happy Gus trait.

His ears got a deep clean today and they look SO good!!! He must feel so much better. He has come so far since I first found him and deserves the best home where he can cuddle all day.

Before long, Ashley made the happy announcement that Gus was now officially available for adoption.

Not surprisingly, the world had fallen in love with Gus and his cheeks, so there were plenty of potential adopters to choose from.


With his new dietary restrictions, she had to find parents willing to do whatever required to keep him comfortable and happy. He would also needed to go back to the vet for the results of the cryptorchid biopsy. The results don’t make sense to me regarding the size of his chubby cheeks and testosterone levels, but as Ashley says, “shrug”!

It turned out the second “testicle” found in his abdomen was actually an inflamed lymph node. Three vets all took a look today when they went back in and no testicle to be found  🤷🏼‍♀️

It was only two days later that Ashley made the announcement his new parents had been apurroved!

I have Gus updates! I am so excited to announce Gus has a home lined up with an amazing couple. They have no other animals and we are hoping this helps with his marking behavior. We spent a good hour today together and Gus climbed right onto their laps and started purring and drooling away. They are Gus approved.

In his last weeks with Ashley, the two were sure to enjoy all their time together. Gus even had a gorgeous live painting of himself done by WhizBangMeow that you can purchase!

Happy Adoption Day Gus!

The first photo was from Jeff and Kristine’s first visit, I could immediately tell he loved him. Then today when they walked in, first Gus sat in Jeff’s lap, then went over and sat on Kristine’s shoe. He made the rounds, coming back to my lap and then back to them.

[Gus] took home his favorite purple princess tower, his super cushy bed, and the ever necessary shrimp treats.  🦐

He is going to be so loved and happy in his new home!

Happy news for the rest of us!? You can still find him on social media at @the.real.gus.gus  ❤️

Congratulations to Gus, his cheeks and his new cat servants!

As always thank you to Ashley Morrison, The Youngest Old Cat Lady for saving the lives of so many.

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