Indiаna Рrison Acсepts Sheltеr Cаts to Helр Chаnge Inmаtes’ Livеs

Who says that cats can’t change lives? A prison in Indiana has been bringing in shelter cats to live with its inmates to provide companionship for the men. In return, the inmates help the felines adjust to humans so they could get adopted faster.

Pendleton Correctional Facility in Indiana has been the unusual location for an interesting project that is the brainchild of the state and the Animal Protection League. The project called F.O.R.W.A.R.D. was started back in 2015 and it introduced shelter cats into the prison. These felines were given to the inmates to take care of and the project has since received truly positive results.

An inmate hangs out with his adorable new friend.

The inmates have reported that caring for the cats have made them feel more important since the kittens rely on them. In addition to that, they are given the chance to relearn compassion and love for another living creature.

The friendship between the men and the cats is truly awesome.


Although the inmates enjoy the benefits of living with a cat, they are not the only ones who improve in the project. The cats that are brought to the prison are usually shy or semi-feral and need to be taught to trust humans. By living with the inmates, the felines gradually learn how to behave around other people and it makes it easier for them to find their forever homes.

The project aims to help both the inmates and the shelter cats.


The project has proven to be a success not just for the inmates but for the shelter cats as well. Not surprisingly, more prisons are adopting the initiative and bringing cats in to live with their inmates. Needless to say, it’s a great project where everyone emerges as a winner.

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