A Cаt With a Rаre Fur Cоndition Gоes From Blаck to Whitе in Just a Yеar

When you have a pet for a long time, you get used to how they look, and can easily recognize them in comparison to any other pets. But imagine that one day your cat or dog suddenly change their look. Nicole Böhm, from Germany, adopted 2 kittens in 2016, and everything was fine until she noticed that something strange was going on with one of them. Elli, who used to be a black-and-white tuxedo cat, started to turn white right before her owner’s eyes.

Here at Bright Side we’ve found out how Elli’s appearance has changed with time, and here’s her story.

Elli was an ordinary tuxedo cat, until one day her fur suddenly started to turn white.

The unusual story of Elli’s color change began when one day her owner noticed a few flecks of white on her fur that used to be solid black. Nicole took Elli to the vet where she was diagnosed with vitiligo, a rare skin and hair condition that causes the loss of pigmentation. In some cases vitiligo can be accompanied by other medical issues, but luckily enough Elli was healthy otherwise.

What began as a few white flecks on Elli’s body soon turned into something truly surprising.

In the months following her vet visit, Nicole watched how Elli’s patches of white grew bigger day after day, giving her a completely new appearance. Elli’s fur transformed so much that it took her only a year to become a white cat with a few black marks on her face and body. Surprisingly enough, her look is still changing, and she is probably on her way to becoming all white. “She’s still changing every day, and I love her more and more,” Nicole said.

Nicole keeps her followers updated with Elli’s transformations via her Instagram account, where she often posts collages showing the way Elli looked before and after the changes. It’s interesting that Elli’s sister Rosie hasn’t changed at all and she is still that same tuxedo cat that Nicole adopted in 2016.

Despite dramatic external transformations, Elli’s character hasn’t changed.

Even though Elli doesn’t look the way she did a year ago, she is still the same cat inside. “Her personality is the same as ever. It doesn’t matter to her,” Nicole said. “She is as cute and lovely and as playful as the first day.” Rosie doesn’t seem to be surprised with her sister’s transformations either, and the 2 get along just fine, as always.

What do you think of Elli’s unusual story? Would you be surprised if all of a sudden your pet’s looks started to change?

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