Overprоteсtive Guаrd Cat Trаps Real Estаte Agеnt Inside A Hоuse

Territorial dogs can be a problem for real estate agents. However, a woman had the misfortune of meeting a very angry cat. The aggressive feline actually managed to trap the poor woman inside one of the bedrooms in a property she’s trying to sell.

Cassie Sonnentag was preparing a house in Praire Farm, Wisconsin for viewing. The real estate agent managed to make everything look presentable. However, it was clear that the homeowner’s adorable cat wasn’t happy with Sonnentag being in the house. The angry feline then proceeded to torment the woman, refusing to let her out of the house.

This cat may appear innocent but looks can be deceiving.

Sonnentag is clearly terrified of the cat as it meows aggressively. She compares the feline to an attack dog, something that the cat wasn’t happy about. Sonnentag attempts to exit but is quickly stopped when the kitty attacks her shoe.

The terrified real estate agent is shaken by the attack and she immediately steps back. The cat then blocks the exit as it continues to meow angrily. Sonnentag tries to talk to the feline at no avail.

At one point, Sonnentag says, “you are not a very nice kitty.” The cat quiets down and she thinks she can finally inch her way out of the bedroom. However, the angry feline begins growling and forces her further into the room.

“You shall not pass!”

It’s hilarious that a grown woman would be terrified of one tiny cat. However, it’s also clear that the kitten is very aggressive. Luckily, Sonnentag managed to get out of the room.

“We’re gonna lock that door,” she declares. “Yeah, I’m just gonna tell the sellers or the buyers not to go in that room.”

That’s a good call indeed. We’re hoping nobody gets hurt while viewing the house anytime soon.

Watch the hilarious full video below:

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