Cat Sаves Whоle Family From Firе After Biting Ownеr In The Middle Of Night And Wаrning Her

Around 3.30am early Thursday morning last week, a woman, her husband, and their two kids were soundly asleep, when their cat suddenly bit the woman and woke her up – only to inform her that their house was on fire. “It’s pretty interesting to see that it was the cat that did alert them that there was an issue,” said County of Grande Prairie fire Chief Trevor Grant. He added: “[The family] was pretty happy with their cat. The cat woke them up with enough time… If they hadn’t been notified, it could have definitely been a different result.”

Luckily, no one was injured. The firefighters managed to extinguish the fire, and even save the second kitty owned by the family.

At the moment, the family an their heroic cat are staying at another residence.

Around 3.30am on Thursday morning last week, a woman, her husband, and their two kids were asleep…


When their cat suddenly bit the woman and woke her up – only to inform her that their house was on fire


“The cat woke them up with enough time… it could have definitely been a different result”. No one was harmed

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