Nothing To See Here, Just Another Cat Riding At The Back of a Motorcycle

If you’ve ever owned a cat, or know someone who does, you’d know that they can be such finicky creatures. Most of them take on the personalities of their owners. There are affectionate cats who have affectionate humans. There are introverted cats whose humans don’t like to interact much.

And then you have cats who enjoy their human’s hobbies so much that they just want to be a part of it too. Like this kitty below who just loves riding through town with his human. Apparently taken in Thailand (based on the text), this cat seems to be enjoying the refreshing city air.

Just look at this guy casually riding with his human!

This feline is the reason why we figured we’d share a couple of biker cats who just want a quick cruise through town with their human. Check out our collection of biker cats below!

Here Are 10 Adorable Biker Cats Because Cats Want to Ride Too!

And there are these two mischievous biker cats who want to ride in tandem!


This guy seems to be helping with his human’s balance. Or maybe he just wants to catch a breeze.


He’s not very pleased that his human doesn’t have a basket for his bike.


Come on, human! Let’s gooo!

This geared up biker cat is not pleased with so much stuff on her bike.


Like they say, train ’em while they’re young!


This vintage loving cat wants a ride on a penny-farthing.


And last but not least, there’s this biker cat enjoying a winter ride with her human.

Cats get into all sorts of adventures, and it’s no surprise that they want a piece of the biking action with their human. There’s no telling what these biker cats will get up to next! Who knows, the next big thing might be cat helmets to suit these bike-loving felines.

Got a photo of your cat on a bike? Share them with us below!

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